Directed by Lyn Pierse.
Produced by Peter Lead & Lyn Pierse.

Get your deuces flowing on Sunday nights as Theatresports® duos hit the Belvoir St. Theatre hard court, from 15th May at 8:30pm.

Impro Australia's Mixed Doubles is the ultimate spectator sport - comedy without a net! For seven nights, comic performers will serve up scenes in this impro grand-slam. Just like sport, not even the players will know what happens next. Why? Because its all improvised.

Some of Australia's biggest Theatresports® living legends will play, including the winners of the 2005 Theatresports® National Championship. Mixed Doubles will also see some of Impro Australia's hottest rookies their topspin on comedy.

Celebrity guest judges decide who wins the Mixed Doubles Shield!

Mixed Doubles - where all your Wimbledons have come at once!

Vital Statistics:
Sunday nights, 15th May - 26th June 2005
8:30 pm, Belvoir St. Theatre, Surry Hills
Tickets: $25 full, $20 concession, $18 for groups of 10 or more
Bookings: 9699 3444

Rocking Horse