SCHOOL: Trinity Senior High, Wagga Wagga
Louise came to prominence at the age of three, when she famously recited
the classic poem, “I See London, I See France (I See Someone's
Underpants)”. The power of that performance resonated through her early
school years at Mount Carmel College, Yass, where she perfected her
craft with “I know you are, but what am I?”
After graduating, Louise was discovered playing Charlotte in Pride and
Prejudice. She then spent her days at MGM posing for cheesecake photos
and playing bit parts in insignificant movies. Louise has always been
inspired by her motto “Acting is 99% perspiration, 1% constipation”.
Her star still shines brightly after a career spanning not quite half a
lifetime in amateur theatre, home movies and closed circuit television.
This has endeared her to tens of fans.
Louise's quality remains elusive,
yet the magic lives.